Joe's Story

They say you can't take a step until you're in the right head space - and that was literally true when it came to committing to working with Jules.
Having first met her back in 2008 on a business development course, it took several years and a lot of personal changes and challenges before I was ready to commit to one-to-one coaching with Jules.
But when I did, my dreams came true.
When we met, I'd left my old life in retail management and started training as a complementary therapist, although I'd taken a part-time job in an office to supplement my income while building the new business.
Coaching was a new concept to me and I was curious about what it could do for me. I booked in for a few sessions with Jules but I wasn't ready to tackle what I was facing and certainly didn't have the the 'right' head space.
I took some valuable learnings from our time together and attended a TRUTH about Confidence talk which started to open my eyes to the insanity we can often live with and insights into how our 'thinking mind' works.
I was amazed to discover how making simple changes to the language I chose could have a such profound effect on how I felt.
My business was growing but I clung onto the part-time job over the next few years, juggling as best I could and living with the fear that I wasn't 'good enough'.
A major personal change provided the catalyst to take action.
My long term relationship ended and I moved out to live alone for the first time.
In my business, despite glowing client testimonials, I carried a lingering fear of not being good enough. I was scared to let go of the part-time job, so I was stuck in an endless juggling act.
I was addicted to control but it was suffocating me and keeping me small. I knew something had to change so I took a holiday. Gave myself space to explore what I needed to do.

Realisation struck: I had to make a commitment to this process of change.

As soon as I got back from holiday, I booked onto Jules' Time for You retreat - it turned out to be exactly what I needed.

During the retreat, Jules carefully and kindly challenged us to examine our choices and delve into inherited beliefs (perhaps from childhood) and recognise how they were still influencing us as adults.

As a group, we talked, walked, laughed, cried and cleansed ourselves, finally heading home armed with tools to keep up the good work when we got home.

And I found myself willing to embrace the idea of uncertainty for the first time.

The learnings from that retreat became my constant companions for the next few years.

I worked my way through Jules' TRUST system online program which busts the myths around confidence and provides resources to help us to be more authentically confident.

In 2015 I was ready. I looked my fear squarely in the eye and took the leap of faith to quit the 'other' job.

It was a fantastic move. I was able to focus solely on my business, working with people to help them to keep loose, soothed and calm with massage, meditation and mindfulness.

But there was another leap still to take.

And in 2016, I leapt. I turned a long-held dream into reality, went to India and took my yoga teacher training course.

The course itself, cleansed away the last elements of my self-doubt and I touched down in the UK, feeling I'd come home to me, to my essence.

I began teaching and I took the plunge to chat to Jules about the extra support I might gain through one-to-one coaching.

We'd become good friends by now, so we had to be really clear about how it would work and how open I'd be to the coaching process. We were both aware that some questions might be challenging and that could have implications for our friendship.

This time, everything was different. I was in a fresh headspace.

Each session was insightful and helpful on so many different levels it's really given me what I'd hoped for - that positive influence on how I think and behave.

Although I had tools, the 1:1 coaching helped me to see how I had built up resistance to being committed and disciplined. I finally saw clearly the irony that I was actively self sabotaging what I wanted in my new life.

What I love about Jules is that she 'walks the walk' and is open about her own personal journey and battle with self confidence, which brought her to doing this work she is most passionate about.

If you meet her in person you can't fail to be touched by her sparkle as she radiates genuine confidence.

I feel blessed to have met Jules and to have learned so many life-supporting skills, learning to commit to myself, be seriously playful, be able to recognise when my 'thinking mind' is leading the way and to be able to redirect my thoughts and actions.

The insights Jules has given me have not just helped me personally but they've also had a positive impact on my work with clients.

Since working with Jules I'm generally more confident, comfortable with uncertainty, more adaptable to change and also willing to take the leaps of faith that have moved me forward towards living the life I'd always dreamed of but not thought possible.

I see all the work I've experienced with Jules as having been layers of learning and personal development. Some changes came slowly over time and others much more quickly.

It has always been a matter of me being in the right space at the right time to hear what I've needed to and been able to act on it. If it's the right time for you, I urge you to do the same.

Find out more about Joe at her website:


To find out more about coaching with Jules visit the website or get in touch.
Jules Wyman
Jules Wyman is a woman who dreams of being out of a job. Until then, she's on a mission as a Confidence Coach to help people have faith in themselves and replace meaningless quick fixes with authentic living.Her clients end up going for what they really want in life, from changing career to changing countries.
She's become one of the UK's top coaches in this field by following her own path to authentic confidence, as well as spending thousands of hours studying self-belief and the human brain.
Find out more here
© Jules Wyman - Positive Belief 2022