Leading with Belief
Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level?
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Find further instructions on how to register below
In a fast-paced and highly pressurised world, the demands for exceptional business leaders has never been higher. For too long, women have been overlooked and underpaid. But things are changing and it is time to take a stand and seize the opportunities that come our way.
How will you establish yourself as a leader?
Introducing Leading with Belief, a self-study audio programme created and presented by...
Jules Wyman
Helping female leaders get to the next level
Helping female leaders to get to the next level
Who is it for?
It's a 12 module audio programme for working women to enable them to work with courage and resilience, be confident in decision making and lead fearlessly at work.
The programme challenges women to authentically believe in their abilities; to eliminate the imposter syndrome (feeling like a fraud); reframe their thinking around leadership and to speak with clarity and confidence. In short - the Leading with Belief programme will help women to transform how they lead, connect and communicate in the workplace.
The programme is based on the premise that women know what they need to do and already possess the power, but, for a variety of reasons, they are not accessing and actioning their inner resources.
Women leaders
Study at home, at your own pace
Study at home, at your own pace
How does it work?
Leading with Belief
Leading with Belief is hosted in a private members portal. Access to the full programme is provided on sign up and individual log on details and passwords are issued so you can progress at your own pace and share comments and questions.

There are 12 modules consisting of 24 audio sessions in total. Each audio gives 15 - 30 minutes of leading edge training on a specific leadership topic.

You have the choice to listen to the audios online or download as an MP3, save to your favourite device and listen on the move.

In addition to the audio, each module also has a handout with reflective questions to support the process, that can be completed either online or printed out for future reference. Lifetime access is provided to the programme, meaning that you can chose to repeat and review any sections in the future.
Course Content
  • Module 1: Getting Started
  • Module 2: The Truth About Confidence
  • Module 3: Module 3: Get Results, Get Confident
  • Module 4: Clarify Your Desires
  • Module 5: Module 5: Confidence Killers
  • Module 6: Courageous and Confident Leadership
  • Module 7: Creating a Confidence Culture
  • Module 8: Get Promoted by Being You
  • Module 9: Boundaries and Respect
  • Module 10: Communication
  • Module 11: Connections
  • Module 12: Resilient Leadership
12 modules of focused, pragmatic training to create the courageous leaders of tomorrow
12 modules of focused, pragmatic training to create the courageous leaders of tomorrow
Listen to Samples of Leading with Belief
Find below short extracts of the Audio Programme. Simply click on the play buttons to hear more.
Introducing Leading with Belief
Confidence at work
Asking for what we want
Self trust
Just be you
Leading with Belief can help you raise your profile, communicated more effectively, access true confidence and become emotionally resilient
Leading with Belief can help you raise your profile, communicated more effectively, access true confidence and become emotionally resilient
What can I expect as a result of doing the programme?
The aim of the programme is to help you to work and lead with genuine self-confidence and belief, enabling you to contribute fully to personal and business success. Here are just some of the results you can expect...

  • Belief in you and your abilities (and experiencing less of the so-called imposter syndrome)
  • True confidence and knowing how to lead authentically (no more pretending or 'fake it till you make it')
  • The ability to overcome self doubt and move beyond insecurities
  • Ways to be more visible at work and be taken more seriously
  • Skills to fearlessly lead and influence others by being aware of confidence killers (such as perfection)
  • Knowing how to speak out and ask for what you want (no more ramblings or over talking)
  • Understanding how to take and give feedback without being defensive or taking it too personally
Self belief
Lifetime Access
Lifetime Access: repeat and review as often as you would like
Why do an Online Programme?
Leading with Belief is hosted through a private membership portal. The membership area can be accessed from any computer or device with an internet connection using your personal login details. Once inside, you can access the modules, download the audios/worksheets, ask questions and leave comments.
Access the programme on your own time – at the computer or when on the move
Private Login
Progress at your own pace and access your notes easily
Less Wasted Time
An online programme reduces the amount of wasted time that comes with face-to-face training. You can even listen to the audio whilst travelling to and from work.
Manageable Chunks
Each audio is no more than 30 minutes in length so can be listened to easily in one session.
Pace Yourself
Listen at a convenient time and review any content repeatedly to get the most from the programme
Further Developent Opportunities
Leading with Belief is the perfect foundation for your personal development journey. If you want to continue the process or would like additional support, 1-1 Confidence and Development coaching is available.
Access the programme on your own time – at the computer or when on the move
Private Login
Progress at your own pace and access your notes easily
Less Wasted Time
An online programme reduces the amount of wasted time that comes with face-to-face training. You can even listen to the audio whilst travelling to and from work.
Manageable Chunks
Each audio is no more than 30 minutes in length so can be listened to easily in one session.
Pace Yourself
Listen at a convenient time and review any content repeatedly to get the most from the programme
Further Development Opportunities
Leading with Belief is the perfect foundation for your personal development journey. If you want to continue the process or would like additional support, 1-1 Confidence and Development coaching is available.
Investing in Leading with Belief is an investment in you
Investing in Leading with Belief is an investment in you
How do I buy?
Lifetime access to Leading with Belief is available for a one-off payment of just
Simply click on the button below to make your payment.
Further instructions about the registration process can be found below.
Buy Now
Please note: Prices may vary slightly depending on taxes in your location.
How to register:
Follow these instructions to get started
Make your payment:
Click on the button to register. You can pay using all major credit and debit cards. Complete the registration form with your details. Add your preferred payment method and make your payment.
Check your inbox:
You'll be sent confirmation of your order. You'll also receive your unique user name and password, together with access instructions for Leading with Belief.
Access the course:
Use the details that have been sent to you to access Leading with Belief. Once logged on, you'll find a welcome video and full instructions on how to get the most from the program.
Join the women who have already benefited from Leading with Belief
Join the women who have already benefited from Leading with Belief
  • I wanted to let you know how valuable I found the content. The format was engaging and ever so practical, thanks to all those tasks and challenges! Having the course available online gave me the flexibility to fit it into my schedule - mainly tuning in during my daily travels and, with lifetime access to the modules, it's reassuring to know I can hit the play button at anytime and hear you loud and clear when the need arises!
  • I liked the way the course started and built as it went along. The pace is great. Jules has really got this right. It suits the reflective nature of the content and helped me slow down to really listen.
  • LOVE the questions posed and the way they subtly challenge me to think in a different way. The programme challenges you to question your thinking and assumptions.
  • I liked the friendly tone of the audio and the relatable anecdotes which brought the lessons to life.
  • For me this has been a good balance of general, helpful advice on confidence and more specific career-focussed advice for leaders. I think people of all walks of like could get something out of this.
  • It felt like very good value as there are loads and loads of exercises and things to try as you go through the course. I have gone back and listened again more than once!
  • It is great that the course is broken down into modules, and that the modules aren't too long. When I have some spare time I feel like I can do a module or even just one part of a the module. Works really well for busy people!
Buy Now
We can help to break the gender conditioning where women don't feel good enough
We can help to break the gender conditioning where women don't feel good enough
Jules Wyman
About Jules Wyman
As a confidence coach, author and speaker, Jules Wyman coaches and trains professionals around the world to peel back the layers of pretence and live a truly confident life. Through her own thousands of hours studying confidence, self belief and the human brain, Jules was able to uncover the myths and develop processes for participating in the full spectrum of life with genuine ease. She now speaks and coaches globally about confidence matters.

Founder and Lead Coach at Positive Belief, Jules is the only woman to reach the final of Britain's Next Top Coach and has been featured on BBC TV & Radio and in the UK press.
"I would highly recommend anyone to spend time with Jules, not because she can teach you how to be confident but because she can help you recognise that we can unlock the potential for confidence in ourselves."

Rebecca Bates
Women's Network, GE Capital
"Jules is truly inspirational, hearing her speak is like putting on a pair of spectacles; suddenly everything is clearer and the world looks like a different place."
Kevin Hollinrake 
MD, Hunters Estate Agents
"I have a totally different approach to all aspects of my working life. I can now reflect on who I was and where I have come to with great appreciation and thanks for the amazing toolkit that Jules provided to support me both personally and professionally."
Rachel Wingfield
East Midlands Leadership Academy
Money Back Guarantee
I'm so confident that this program will bring positive results to your life that I am prepared to offer a no-quibble guarantee. If you buy Leading with Belief and listen to all of the audios, do all of the exercises and see NO improvement, then I will refund 100% of your investment - No questions asked!
Frequently Asked Questions
You could go through all the materials in full immersion mode over a 3 day weekend. Alternatively, you could go through dedicating 3 hours a week (more like an evening class) and complete it in 6 weeks.
The good news is that you have lifetime access so you can revisit and review the content as often as you would like. We do recommend scheduling time in your diary as developing ourselves often gets lost in the busyness of working life. Remember this is an investment in you. What could me more important than that?!
Once you have made your purchase, you will receive your personal login details. Like anything you sign up for (Facebook, Ebay, Amazon), your details will give you access to the programme where you'll find detailed instructions on how to use the system. Each module is laid out clearly for you to follow. You can leave questions and comments. And every single page has a help button (just in case you get stuck!) We think you'll enjoy the freedom that comes from studying online.
Unless you want to use the comments to ask questions or share your experiences, no one will know whether you are online or not. Going through the programme is an individual process and you are welcome to keep that totally private.
Absolutely! We even have substantial discounts for organisations and large groups that want to offer the programme to their teams. Working together brings the additional benefits of a joint experience. Why not share our sales information with your colleagues, team or organisation? Get in touch to find out more.
© Jules Wyman - Positive Belief 2022