evolve confidence
Giving you the space - and the community - to help you have the freedom, clarity, and joy that comes with the natural confidence of being you.
Created and presented by
Jules Wyman
what happened to normal
Why conscious conversations?
When we talk of confidence, we think of being happy with our appearance, giving a presentation without nerves or taking on a challenge like a marathon or a parachute jump. 
But confidence is so much more than that.
Authentic confidence is an unwavering inner calm, strength and wellbeing that allows you to live YOUR life on YOUR terms. 
We live in a world that tells you how you should be.
We are pushed around by cultural expectations and societal norms, fuelled by the media and social platforms. We are subjected to incessant messages about what our lives, career, bodies and relationships should look like. We are encouraged to strive for perfection and told we can have it all, all the time. 
If we go all out, work harder and give more, we will be rewarded with external approval and happiness. On top of it all, we are supposed to look good, feel good, maintain an active social life and intimacy in our relationships. It all seems like too much. 
It is. It is exhausting and not what a confident life looks or feels like. 
dealing with uncertainty
is it time for a change
What does a lack of confidence look like?
When we are responding to those external expectations rather than our genuine confidence, we may experience:
  • Constant worrying about what people think of you. How do you come across? Are they judging you?
  • Ruminating over conversations. Regretting the things you said or replaying what you wish you could have said. It spins you in circles!
  • Fear of hurting people or getting 'it' wrong. You avoid difficult situations/people or get caught up in their reactions and unnecessary conflict.
  • Over thinking that steals your inner peace. It's a soundtrack of constant noise telling you what you should do or who you should be. 
  • Critical of your outward appearance. You feel you should be hiding the signs of ageing through diets, shapewear, makeup, surgery or filters.
  • A nagging sense that you should have it sorted by now. The job, the partner, the family, the body etc. But you never get there. There is always something else to fix (if only you had the time, energy or capacity).
  • A knowing that your life would be better if you could just find the space to pause and take a breath. 
is it time for a change
Are you feeling the pressure?
feeling stuck
How is it possible to be your best self when the demands on your time and energy are so great? You feel the pressure from your boss, your colleagues, your family AND yourself.
Perhaps you are trying so hard to stay on top of things that you come across as a perfectionist, moody or intolerant, inflexible and controlling. 
You give in to the needs of others - saying yes, not setting boundaries, being a people pleaser -  but there is a nagging sense of frustration or resentment that things aren't different.
Other approaches such as talking with friends or a professional, reading self-help books or even taking courses have got you so far and not created the long-term sustainable change that you truly long for.
It's time to give yourself a break and truly transform.
is it time for a change
Is it time for a change?
Let's cut through the BS.
We've been sold a lie. 
We've been told that the route to personal confidence and happiness is to get our lives lined up perfectly. 
Once we have it all sorted we can relax and enjoy the results of our hard work and effort.
But what if it that is not the way?
What if nothing on the outside of you can make you happy, secure or any other feeling you seek?
Are you wiling to discover a new way of being?
today is your day
what is evolve confidence
What is Conscious Conversations?
True confidence is the foundation and gateway to a more easeful life. Conscious Conversations is the space for you to explore the cultural givens with a fresh perspective.
A community-based resource away from the pressure and noise of social media, where we can gather, share, explore and strengthen one another. Together, we'll create that lasting, sustainable change that you seek.
A place where you can...
  • see it is not just you!
  • stop feeling alone or unsupported
  • think and share ideas openly
  • face your fears, doubts and inner criticism
  • discuss and face life's curve balls
  • be part of a caring, supportive and loving community.
Evolve confidence
Conscious Conversations is a private community, offering monthly resources to support you and your life. 
Each month, we take a fresh look at aspects of life, finding new and kinder ways of being in the world.
In the Community, we explore themes such as:
  • Creating a sense of space and calm so that you can respond rather than react and be truly authentic to what crops up in life
  • Fostering deeper connections with others whilst maintaining healthy boundaries
  • Approaches to dealing with difficult situations and conflict that are uplifting and nourishing - to all!
  • Connecting to your best self so you can finally feel comfortable, present, relaxed and unrestrained
  • Ways to ease the pressure put on you (from others AND yourself) so you feel less obligated and more available to people and opportunities
  • Awareness of the impact our thinking has on EVERY life experience
  • Understanding that self care is not simply candlelit baths or binge-watching box sets but comes from a deep sense of self kindness, trusting and loving from within
  • Moving beyond control so you can find ways to be at ease with life without being inflexible or controlling. 
Option 1
Become aware with...
  • Monthly LIVE call with Q&A - Each month we will focus on a topic, looking at different aspects and where we are in relation to it. We will dive deep into each theme, with practical solutions to the challenges we face.
  • Monthly call recordings - Recordings from all our live calls will be available to revisit and replay at your leisure.
  • Members forum - A community space away from social media to share your insights and questions with others, in a safe and secure environment.
Option 2
Grow with...
  • Monthly challenge & accountability - To encourage that progression, each month there is a 7-day challenge followed by an accountability call. Your chance to embed real change.
  • Online courses - All members will have access to all my current and future online books and courses.
  • Library - A huge collection of resources for you to watch/read including previous community topics.
Option 3
Evolve with...
  • Private coaching hotline to Jules - Your very own private space to post questions and comments and receive personalised online coaching support directly from Jules. Other members will not be able to see or read what you share in your Private Coaching area, giving you the safe and secure space to share what matters most.
  • Monthly group coaching - In addition to the LIVE calls shared with other members, EVOLVE members will have a 90 minute live group coaching call once a month. Your chance to dive deeper into the topics and get LIVE coaching with Jules. Plus, you'll get to share your experiences directly with other EVOLVE members.
  • Monthly group coaching recordings - Missed the call or want a replay? All the recordings from the live coaching calls will be available for you to watch later.
Please note: Prices may vary slightly depending on taxes in your location.
Choose a level
Which level is right for me?
CONSCIOUS CONVERSATIONS is an exclusive group that invites members to participate, engage and shape the future of the community. It is a shared space that everyone feels part of and contributes to. 
Find out more about each level below. Simply click on the '+' symbol to reveal the content.
Are you the the kind of person that takes care of others, only wants the best for everyone else and has little time for themselves, then the Aware level is for you.

Perhaps you have an idea about what needs to change but little time to do it. At the moment, you are so busy taking care of others that you rarely fit on the list at all. 

Being part of this level is about becoming aware of what you need and how to start making changes. Awareness is key. As Anthony de Mello said, "What you are aware of you have control over, what you are unaware of has control of you."

Each month we have a theme. It could be introducing a new perspective, a deeper dive into confidence basics or a broader look at life. 
The monthly theme gives you an inspiration shot and a starting point to make a difference for yourself, no matter how busy your life is. And you can continue the conversation around the topic in the forum with other members.
You'll find ways to make sustainable change, form new connections and be part of the Conscious Conversations community. 
From the point of awareness you can grow.
Level 2, Grow, is for those that want to go deeper with their learning. You have extra opportunities to take the discussions and ideas, and be able to apply them to your life.

You have access to the monthly masterclasses, ALL online courses and library resources, the community forum and "the difference that makes the difference" monthly live accountability calls. These sessions provide members with the opportunity to connect face to face with other members and share their successes and challenges of the month.

"The accountability calls help me stay on track and implement what we have been discussing"

These sessions also provide an opportunity to receive coaching directly from Jules.

The Evolve level is for those who want to stop REvolving and genuinely start Evolving.

It gives you an opportunity to see the blind spots and not be side swiped by them. You have extra access to the support you personally need through the group coaching sessions (where we dive deeper into the monthly topic) AND also access to a personal 1-1 coaching hotline to Jules.

The personal 1-1 coaching hotline is an opportunity to ask your questions directly to Jules, you have a direct line to your own personal cheerleader. :-)

The Evolve level of the membership provides you with life long learning.

Due to the 1:1 nature of this level places are limited.

*options to upgrade will be provided at a later date
**please note that if you decide to cancel your subscription and later want to return, it is likely that the price will have increased. But as long as you stay a member, you will only pay the rate you signed up to.
what will it give me
What will it give me?
You'll have access to a private membership area and exclusive, private group forum, away from social media, where great sessions are had. The Grow and Evolve levels also have access to the online courses and library of resources, participate in LIVE calls, and have open, honest and healthy discussions with people who are experiencing similar personal growth. 

Your membership runs month-to-month. There is no contract and you are free to cancel at anytime. But we want this to be a space for sharing, encouraging and celebrating our progress... and we hope that will be a reason for you to want to stay!
What can I expect?
  • A community centred on kindness, maturity and growth.
  • 24-7 accessible resources that you can dip into whenever you want, as many times as you need to.
  • Relevant and powerful content that responds to feedback from the group AND what is going on in your world and the world.
  • A open-minded community where you can share your experiences and get the help you most need.
  • A unique opportunity to get the support you need to live YOUR life on YOUR terms.
What is it not?
  • A place for anyone looking too blame others or chastise themselves for how life is.
  • Anyone who wants someone to do it for them. We provide the cookbook, you have to do the cooking!
  • A quick fix! This community is about exactly that - evolution... and that doesn't happen overnight!
  • Aligned with any particular viewpoint. It is completely inclusive (and welcomes open conversations with people who think differently).
  • An easy option - what you get out will be directly proportional to what you put in.
About Jules
Jules Wyman
I dream of the day I can resign as The Confidence Coach.

Not so I can flop on the sofa and watch Netflix all day in a onesie, but because I'm living in a world where people believe in themselves so much that confidence coaching is obsolete.

A world in which people turn within for approval and find unwavering love for themselves. A world that is full of kindness, authenticity and compassion. I believe in that world and know we have the potential to create it. 

Yet I look around and see how many people have lost faith in themselves - or have never been shown how to have it in the first place. I see how we search and grasp for someone or something outside of ourselves to give us love and approval. I also notice how we're realising that the way we have been conditioned to live is no longer sustainable. 

That it is time for radical change - an evolution into confidence as our natural way of being... and I am one of the Evolutionaries. 

featured on
featured on
In 2003, I left my ten-year career in the theatre due to burnout and soon realised that the art of pretence wasn't going to cut it in real life. I knew the only chance I had at a fulfilling life was to develop genuine confidence.  
Over fifteen years, I've spent thousands of hours studying confidence and the human brain, and have worked with thousands of clients from all walks of life - from students to CEOs.

I'm now considered one of the UK's top confidence coaches and speak on stages virtually and in person worldwide. In corporations like Swarovski, Nestle, CoxAutomotive and 3M. 

I've received the accolade of being the top female coach in Britain's Best Top Coach awards and I've appeared on BBC TV and radio to speak about confidence and happiness. 
Jules Wyman
If you're ready to believe in yourself and pursue YOUR greatest passions in life, then I invite you to be part of the Confidence Evolution with me. 

And I'll put my onesie back in the cupboard for just a little while longer. 
What are others saying?
  • I feel part of a community of people who have also chosen to commit to their own personal development. To share my learnings and 'wins' with people who will 'get it'. Who won't judge me. Who will lift me and encourage me. Who will accept me as I am. That's something I don't necessarily have in my every day life.
  • I love that Jules doesn't have her own agenda, each month the topic we focus on is based on what members say they need most at that point in time. It's very community-led.
  • Finding people who are 'also like me' has been a revelation. Not only do I feel less of a 'freak', it's enabled me to see that I'm much harder on myself that I am on other people. But there are also members who have very different perceptions, experiences, 'issues' and I learn so much from them too. And through all the insight, the revelations and the challenges, Jules is there to hold my hand, reassure me and encourage me to keep pushing on and... evolving!
  • Jules has given me tools to help manage a better work/life balance and appreciate being more present and enjoying life and my achievements. I can honestly say having the support of Jules is something I see as integral to my well being and success as a business owner.
  • Jules has the ability to immediately tap into any issues that maybe holding you back in life, giving you clarity and vision - a way forward that makes sense, feels comfortable and her no nonsense approach means that life changing decisions can be made leaving you feeling really good about yourself and ready to take on any challenges that life throws at you.
  • Jules has quite literally changed my life. She has helped me to understand myself and encouraged me to ask myself some hard questions - answers to which "I thought" I had but these were assumed rather than fact.  No matter what area you want to focus on - work, life, relationships, Jules will share the right tool for the job. Thank you Jules!
Your questions answered...
Confidence Conversations is a private online community that gives you the space to pause and reflect. You can get your questions answered, get the support you need and putting into practice all that you have learned. 
When you purchase, you will automatically receive your unique login details. 

Once you log in, you'll see a welcome message and instructions on how to get started. 
And if you ever get stuck, you'll find a support button on every page. We are there to help you every step of the way.
Confidence Conversations has been designed to fit around your lifestyle. Each of our calls takes 60-90 minutes. Recordings are always available (apart from the live accountability call). And remember, you have 24-7 access so you can participate at a time that suits you.

On top of that, it is entirely up to you. You'll have access to the community forum and, if you are on the Grow or Evolve levels, a library of resources and online courses but you can work through these at your own pace. 
There is no contract. You can cancel your membership of Conscious Conversations at any time. Although we would never wish to see you leave, we understand that circumstances change. 
If you need to leave, you'll be able to amend your subscription in your profile (under billing). You'll still have access to the content for the rest of any time you have paid for.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Please note: Prices may vary slightly depending on taxes in your location.
© Jules Wyman - Positive Belief 2022