About Jules Wyman
Jules Wyman
confidence revolution
We live in a world full unpredictability and uncertainty. Many experience levels of fear, stress and anxiety in relation to this.
Global issues like financial crises, pandemics, natural disasters, don't provide the sense of security we would like. If we can't rely on the outside world to provide us with the certainty we seek, what do we do? What's the alternative?
When it comes to accessing self confidence, we have been influenced by external forces - school, society, media, advertising and so on. The message has always been that confidence comes from how we look and what we do, what we achieve or what we have. But being dependent on anything outside of ourselves can only lead to striving, self doubt and that consistent sense of 'not enough'.
confidence revoulution
It doesn't have to be that way and I believe it's time for a Conscious Transformation.
When we truly realise that confidence is an inside job we empower ourselves and our lives.
We need to start breaking down the myths and (re)discovering the truth.
It doesn't have to be that way and I believe it's time for a Conscious Transformation.
When we truly realise that confidence is an inside job we empower ourselves and our lives.
We need to start breaking down the myths and (re)discovering the truth.
  • Is confidence dependent on our success?
  • Is confidence something people are naturally born with and others not?
  • Is it temporary or based on our achievements?
All of these are myths. 
Rediscover the Truth
When you truly trust yourself, transformation becomes not only possible but inevitable.

You can release your addictions.
You can create the life you want.
And yes, you do deserve it.
If the 2004 version of me was to meet the current me, she would be amazed. I wouldn't have thought it was possible to live a naturally confident life - without the substances, striving, being loud, or annoyingly arrogant!
It was possible for me and it IS possible for you.
When you learn to trust, have patience and self compassion, and to treat yourself with kindness, authentic confidence is readily available.
How much do you trust yourself
Trust yourself
I didn't always feel confident.

Until my mid thirties, I was hunting for self belief. Others around me seemed to have it so together. I wondered if I had missed that lesson at school! I wanted the thing that made everyone get the 'good stuff' and find happiness. 
I was on a quest to find that elusive golden treasure that would change everything.
But I was also wary. We all know people who are loud, arrogant and annoying. I didn't want to become one of them. Would becoming confident repel others? It was confusing.
jules at 30!
My fear and self doubt had not led me to a good place. I was rife with insecurities. I used substances - sugar, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, junk food - as coping strategies. I has such a dreadful relationship with myself that I couldn't comprehend why anyone would want a relationship with me. At one point, I thought that I was such a failure, that the world would be a better place without me. Thankfully, I failed at that. My self esteem was on the floor.
Hitting rock bottom changed things. Through counselling and then coaching, I found a brand new way of looking at life - and me!
In 2004, I had the opportunity to train as a coach. My business, Positive Belief, was launched in 2005. It was never a strategic career plan. In fact, I believe that my business started me, rather than me starting it.
Over the years, I trained in numerous methodologies. I travelled the world to learn from the best teachers. worked with amazing mentors and coaches. I challenged myself with fire walks, abseils, iron bends, arrow breaks and silent retreats! I committed to my continual learning and personal development.
Through this I discovered that confidence is directly connected to trust. Knowing that changed everything for me.
If I wanted more self confidence, I would have to learn to trust myself.
Why work with me
"Jules is not preaching from a pedestal, she lives and breathes this stuff. She speaks to people on the same level and with a friendly and compassionate tone, yet doesn't tolerate BS. She will call out a pattern or a resistance to truth with total honesty...even if the person doing it is herself!"  - TB. Warrington
Working with me isn't for everyone. If you are looking for a magic wand or a comforting 'there, there', I am not the right coach for you.
But, if you are ...
  • looking to truly make a difference in your life
  • willing to change your perspective
  • ready to invest in your own transformation
  • prepared to put the effort in
then working together to access your natural confidence could be your best investment.
Jules Wyman
If this sounds like you then let's explore how we can work together.
"I used to think coaching was a luxury, over the past year I can see how it is a necessity." - KT. Leicester
Here's what clients say they have gained from working with me...
"Reaching out to you is probably the best thing I've done this year!! I have a different outlook on everything - every area of my life and business are benefiting!!"
"I feel like a different person having found a new inner confidence."
"After just one session with Jules, I was able to see things much more clearly."
"I have a new way of thinking which is having a very positive effect on how I approach challenges that previously seemed overwhelming."
What are they saying
What are they saying
Lorraine Harris
Director at Leicester Property Solutions Ltd
"I've been working with Jules for the last 6 months and the results have been outstanding. Thanks to our fortnightly calls, I feel that I've progressively grown and developed not only a new confidence in myself, but also new perceptions and a greater awareness of the impact my perceptions have on the outer world."
 Richard Rhodes
Client Service Director at Equator Design
"I was asked to attend as part of my personal development and thought, 'ok, I'll give it a go, what harm can it do... I had no idea what to expect. I found the first hour quite difficult as Jules has a way of asking questions which really make you think hard.... but 6 sessions later, I have to say them time spent with Jules has been a revelation. I have learnt so much about myself that wasn't clear before we started. It has allowed me to be calmer in more challenging situations and helped me to deal with some very tough situations and reflect on them in a different manner. I would recommend Jules to anyone who wants to develop themselves... put simply, she is superb!"
© Jules Wyman - Positive Belief 2022